Career History
Roderick is specialised in transfer pricing and tax valuation. He started his career in various financial roles before starting as a valuation specialist and later on as a transfer pricing specialist. Roderick has advised clients in various industries, including automotive, software, FMCG, real estate, renewable energy and services industry. Roderick has written various articles and frequently lectures on transfer pricing and tax valuation. Before starting Embridge Economics, Roderick held positions at various transfer pricing advisory firms, including TPA, Altus and Ryan. Roderick is named as Transfer Pricing Expert in the Transfer Pricing Expert Guides 2016 and 2017.
- Transfer pricing documentation and compliance
- Transfer Pricing Planning and BEPS
- Benchmarking, economic analysis and financial modelling
- Valuation
- Dispute Resolution
English, DutchSocial Information

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ITO Tower
Gustav Mahlerplein 28
1082 MA Amsterdam
+31 0 20 261 5090
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