About Altus Network

The Altus Network is a global network of senior independent advisors in transfer pricing, valuation, business restructuring and dispute resolution. It includes experienced economists, accountants, valuators, lawyers and former senior government officials.

The Network dates back to 2005 when Dr. Ross Newman PhD., a former partner of a global accounting firm, established Altus Economics in the United States to provide specialized expert services to clients. Global relationships developed by Altus Economics in order to serve its portfolio of clients in the international arena led to the establishment of the Altus Network. Today, the network continues to increase existing country coverage in the Americas, EMEA and Asia.


The Network recieved the following International Tax Review Nominations and awards:

  • Nominated ‘Coming European Transfer Pricing Firm of the Year‘ in 2011 and 2012.
  • Nominated ‘Luxembourg Transfer Pricing Firm of the Year‘ in 2012 and 2013.
  • Winning the Award for ‘Coming Firm of the Year’ in Singapore in 2011.
  • Winning the Award for ‘Dutch Transfer Pricing Firm of the Year‘ in 2013.