Our Approach

Our Culture

The Altus Network culture is characterized by a strong sense of independence, entrepreneurship, providing high-quality services and involvement. The principles of quality, transparency and short-line communication form the foundation for an informal and inspiring culture. This culture stimulates the search for pragmatic solutions to complex transfer pricing and valuation issues.

Our Values

We cherish the following values:

Consistent Global Quality– rather than imposing new network members upon the existing ones through centrally steered ‘ivory tower’ decision taking, all members of the Altus Network have been selected very carefully and have been included on the basis of an Network-wide consensus model. In our view, this creates a powerful business model for global coherence, consistency and respect which will ultimately benefit our clients;

Independent– the Altus Network members pride themselves for being an independent specialist enabling us to operate unbiased and to solely focus on the deliverables that the client has requested for;

Proven entrepreneurial track record– the combination of a large variety of academic and professional backgrounds with a common history of successful entrepreneurship places us in a unique position. All Network members have a proven track record of running a successful independent transfer pricing/valuation firm with a local and/or regional focus.